Sunday, May 3, 2009

Finding a creative outlet for your feelings

I've always had music to turn to as a creative outlet, but some people don't really have a creative outlet, so they deal with their emotions in all the wrong ways. People get involved in drugs, and tend to try and run away from their problems. An easy way to help this problem is by finding a solid creative outlet for your own feelings.

Some creative outlets for your feelings I can reccomend would be:

1. Music, play an instrument. Play guitar, sing, bass, drums, anything you can get your hands on.
2. Drawing
3. Writing, any form of writing will do.
4. Reading, this will provide you a productive way to not think about all the bad things happening.

and to improve your overall happiness, despite what may be going on in your life, I suggest you not think about all the bad things going on, but rather focus on the good things going on in your life.

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